MXL2 |
The powerful dash logger for all racers |
MXL2 is the dashlogger providing all the info needed by professional racers as well as by newbies.
The product has been designed with the aim to make configuration and usage smooth and easy either for amateurs and for people with sophisticated technical background. |
A wide range of data sources |
MXL2 acquires and displays data coming from your ECU, the internal accelerometer and gyro, as well as from the GPS09 Module included in the kit, analog/digital inputs and predefined math channels.
Performance and data acquired can also be incremented adding up to eight expansion modules. |
CAN output |
With the CAN Output you can send messages directly to an existing CAN network in order to improve the range of vehicle control possibilities. |
Custom pages |
You can define up to eight different custom pages, choosing among a wide library of page styles, defining which data to be shown,
their end of scale and measure units. Here, examples of pages with 1, 2, 3 or 4 different data. |
Sharp liquid crystal |
The MXL2 display features a high contrast
traditional LCD, with a black to white ratio
nearly double its predecessor, fused with
a graphical LCD offering great flexibility
in information display and alerts. |
The MXL2 now offers a dual colored backlight
of high contrast white and red which can
also be changed conditionally.
An ambient light sensor keeps
backlight at optimum brightness levels. |
Flexible alarms |
Six different alarm LEDs: you choose the conditions, the colors and the flashing frequency.
You can configure them in order to turn them on/off depending on analog or digital inputs,
ECU values, expansion values, GPS information or math channels. |
You can also associate an alarm LED a message and a digital output with each event. |
Two digital outputs |
MXL2 features two digital outputs.
The two digital outputs (Dout) are LOW SIDE type
(switch to ground): they can be configured in order
to be turned on/off depending on the value
of the analog or digital inputs.
They permit to automatically run external systems,
i.e. to switch on/off additional lights,
to activate/de-activate a cooling fan
or circulation pumps, etc. when
a certain event happens. |
Integrated shift light array |
An integrated shift light is a hallmark of the MXL, but an even better
10 LED shift light array is found in the MXL2.
Choose from a host of advanced
multicolored RGB shift light patterns
that can be customized as you like,
and for each unique gear when required. |
Expand the system, according to your needs |
Using the built-in CAN bus, you can add expansion modules to the MXL2 to increment the performance and the data acquired: |
GPS09 Module
Thanks to GPS09 Module (included in the kit) and its RaceStudio 3 software, you can immediately get laptimes and all data needed for engine tuning as well as for improving driving technique. |
Channel Expansion
It permits to add 4 0-5Volt analog channels for pressure, temperature sensors and potentiometers. Two of these channels can be configured to receive digital inputs like wheel speed. |
TC Hub
It adds 4 K thermocouples. |
Wide band Lambda controller LCU-One, with Bosch LSU 4.9 probe, providing all Air/Fuel data and lambda value, allows to perfectly tune the carburetion. |
Memory Module
The Memory Module is a small SD Card holder that can be connected via CAN bus to your AiM logger in order to record the data during your tests. |
Connection example |
These are only some of the items that can be added to our MXL2 for incrementing the performance and the data acquired: |
RaceStudio 3,
the almighty software |
RaceStudio 3 is the heart of your MXL2, managing all your activities related to: |
Configuration |
With RaceStudio 3 you can create, modify, delete, import and export configurations with all channels, ECU drivers, Math channels, Display Pages, Digital outputs, Alarms, Shift Lights and all the expansions you need. You will also be able to manage the map of all your racing tracks and compare two laps watching the video recorded by SmartyCam HD cameras. |
AiM LearnFast E-training Series |
Check out how to use RaceStudio 3 Configuration: Part 1 - Part 2 |
Analysis |
With RaceStudio 3 you can also analyse all data recorded by MXL2 and downloaded to your PC: graphs, histograms and tables will help you study your performance, providing an objective support to avoid mistakes and improve performances. |
Makes it even more convenient
to configure, calibrate, and download your data
wirelessly, using a secure 802.11 WiFi connection: no need to move your PC close
to the vehicle anymore, you can do it
from your van up to 50 meters away.